10 dota players waiting for ”nice people” to pick first is a outdated system. How to fix it , give first pickers the power role , give them bans for each pick phase thereafter .

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Insert: thanks for all the support . Currently at 90% upvote rate at 1.5k upvotes(mods and devs can see this number) . Lets hope valve heard us.

Nice people who pick first (during the first phase) currently are heavily punished by counter pickers which drain the fun for them for being nice .

The suggested solution is to give first phase pickers a HERO ban before each pick phase thereafter . This now changes the dynamic where the first phase pickers are in the driving seat to dictate the flow of the games . Also this makes it such that people want to pick faster and last pickers are now challenged to pick the right hero in a limited pool . (HARDER to last pick Meepo or Brood since they will most likey be banned which I think the community is thankful for )

This fixes the currently potential toxicity in who should first pick (most of the time unwilling supports) . Also counter picking skews the data for hero and player performance making balancing the game harder .

lastly please make the ban button red and pick green ( alot of people are gona misclick if this system is implemented )

TLDR : suggested solution ; first phase pickers get a ban before each pick phase (total 2 hero bans per player who pick in the first phase ) ,second phase pickers get a single ban pick before the last pick phase .

Kindly upvote if this solution is suitable for the game . Also comment any ways to improve on this idea so the game pick flow state can be better and less toxic .

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1020ubt/10_dota_players_waiting_for_nice_people_to_pick/

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