22.10 patch – Did it include a vbuck alert nerf?

Has anyone else noticed since the release on the 22.10 patch on the 4th October 2022, that vbuck mission alerts are now quite a bit less than before?

Backstory. We all know the new venture/dungeon season was going to be a mini boss season. This means better mission alerts and more vbuck alerts over a non mini boss season. From the start of the season this was the case with vbuck alerts on most days and some days with even 4 or 5 vbuck alerts.

Then the 22.10 patch dropped, an easily remembered update. This is the patch where EPIC had to enter downtime many hours earlier for what they said was an issue. On the shop crossover during that downtime two mythic survivor missions alerts were available, one in Twine, the other in Ventures. Due to the downtime however no one could play the missions. Then finally when the downtime ended one of those mythic alerts was removed by EPIC and also vbuck missions (if memory server me right).

Now since this time the vbuck alerts at least to me become noticeably less than before the patch. Enough for me to feel it necessary to start this thread to see what others feel.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/y5cyil/2210_patch_did_it_include_a_vbuck_alert_nerf/

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