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6 months ago someone suggested an epic measure that has: zero impact on the game, discourages the unsavory types, and alleviates the players.

TL;DR = Pest talked about it over 6 months ago. Basically, if you die to an unsavory type the loot you lost is returned to you when they get the hammer.

Say you just got LedX or just fitted your PMC with a nice loadout. You stumble upon an unsavory type and die to him. System logs what he took from you. When that hammer falls, you receive a msg from Fence saying something along the lines of "That was unfair, but karma has your back…" and you get the items he took back.

This means:

  • You no longer have to run and try to hide.
  • You no longer have to worry about pvp'ing them.
  • You no longer have to take that LedX or that attachment or that weapon and throw it away.

If you no longer have to run or pvp them that's a HUGE blow for them. Why? They like it! They like it when you run, try to stash stuff away, or try to fight. Take that away from them… game suddenly becomes a lot less cringe.

Edit: Please read the text and watch the video. This has already been implemented in two other extraction-shooters and it works.

Edit: If you are clairvoyant or you think you can read minds or know how much dev time it will take for BSG… don't… like don't even bother commenting. It's pointless. You can't know. Only BSG knows and they should be the ones saying no.

Edit (Final): It's not about the reimburstment (how ever devs decide to implement it roubles, items, or who knows!). That's just a means to an end. That's just restoring balance, because you weren't supposed to die to a script kiddie in the first place. No! It's about punishing the unsavory ones. It's about taking the last bit of satisfaction out of their cold dead hands (ban). That way they know, not only they didn't gain anything… but they are, at a minimum, -40 USD loss.

Edit (Final, final!): User /u/NavaresYT found a clip. Apparently, Shroud suggested this and everyone (Klean / Dr. Lupo) – including Nikita – loved the idea. I thought it was only Pestily, but this clip is older. So more reason to bring this up again so it doesn't get lost.

Edit (Final, Final, Final edit – for real, like a thesis) 🤣 : Alright boys. I'm out. Enough playing around these lames ad hominem attacks. You guys can see it, plain as day. Whenever anti cheating is going to be discussed expect cheaters to come and bait / flame and try to sabotage. Don't fall for it. They want to bait mods into locking the thread.

~ Take away their satisfaction and all they will be left with is a hole in their pocket.


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