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A bit of information about the networking changes and how it effects gameplay going forward:

TLDR: This patch has exposed to every single player how truly terrible server performance has always been in Tarkov.

After the recent patch adding more aggressive server authoritative movement, many people have been expirencing harsh rubberbanding caused by the SERVER, not their home internet connection. Any time there is a significant enough delay in communication between the server and client, there's now a status icon for that similar to the packet loss icon.

Contrary to the rediculous frustration this causes when playing at the moment, this is actually a GOOD thing compared to the way networking governed movement in the past, let me explain why:

Networking geeks have been begging for a harsher server authoritative movement system closer to what we're used to in Apex or COD. The reason being, those movement systems punish the player with the higher ping/latency, rather than everyone else in the match as it previously had in Tarkov.
Previously, players could chose servers far away from their physical location in order to get latency right at the max of the ping limit, in order to unfairly abuse the game already etrocious peekers advantage. Here's what that looks like from both perspectives.

What this recent update does, is it prevents a person ping abusing, or players with bad internet expirencing latency spikes, from being able to peek a corner and fire a shot before he even renders on the other person's screen.

For those with great internet connecting to local servers, you're probably wondering what gives? Why are you expirencing rubberbanding with an otherwise perfect connection? This is because server authoritative movement corrects your position when the client and server disagree on where your character SHOULD be based on inputs. What's happening in your case, is the server itself is lagging behind your client in processing movement, causing the server to correct your position to where the server INCORRECTLY thinks you should be.

This is the exact same thing that has been happening in Tarkov since day 1. Every single time you died to a guy that hadn't even rendered yet on your screen, or a player didn't respond to you shooting at them for over half a second, or a scav took half a second to fall over after you shot him in the face; it's the exact same problem. The server is lagging behind your client in processing, and that delay is what's causing the that type of "desync" we expirence so much.

This update has exposed how truly bad the server performance is in Tarkov. Previously, your player model only corrected position for everyone ELSE in the raid, using the client as the authority on which position is more accurate and valid. Now every single time there is a network hiccup in movement, you will be aware of it.

I'm in a 3.5 hr layover at the airport, so thank you for reading my wall of information.


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