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A few problems I’m struggling with right now:

This is my first wipe. I'm level 17. Playing with two of my friends who've played longer than me (level 22+26 and played last wipe). They've helped quite a bit to learn and progress. At first, my main drive was to gain as much xp per run to reach level 15 to get flea, make gun modding more accessible and to get items for upgrading my loadout. But now, a few days later:

  1. The Hideout doesn't provide shit. The crafting is mostly pointless since most of the stuff you need to craft [X] can be sold on flea, then use that money to buy [X] instead and there's gonna be few thousand roubles left over to use on other stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the solution to this is just to get everything max level, but I'm most defiantly not going to get that far this wipe.
  2. I can finally buy almost every gun, component and attachment on the flea, but there's no weapons I like using (that I know of at least).
    Every gun feels awful to use. Even the highly modded stuff I find on high-level players who got r'ped by Tagilla can feel like trying to use a blender in a fist-fight. So I go on Google or Youtube and search stuff like "EFT gun tier list", "EFT Budget loadout/gun", "EFT Weapon Guide" yada yada. Which the only thing I really learned anything from that, is that every gun fucking sucks apparently.
    oh wait hang on, no actually that one <- has basically zero recoil and has really high damage and range. Yeah, the one that sells for 750k.
  3. What am I supposed to do? What is my endgame goal? Am I here to kill or here to loot? Do I wanna make lots of money? What am I gonna spend that money on? What is real?

btw, this post is not me trying to bitch about this and that game design choice. I'm genuinely asking for advice.


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