A Sad viking tale.

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

Today was a sad day in Valheim. I am on a server with 5 other people and one by one they have been dropping off. The last one I am losing to the new call of duty game. So tonight I went out and tamed two wolves to have some company. They soon had three cubs and my wolf population was begining to thrive.

It wasnt much later that while I was building an upgraded pen for my new puppers so they could run and play that there was a swarm of wicked bats came swooping in and picked them off one by one. I was not well equipt to do much in a fight as I had left my armor in a chest so I could carry more materials. while trying my best to save my little furry friends I realized this fight was not in my favor and with my last breath I quickly opened the gate and then all went black.

When I woke up… the walls were covered in blood and gore. I thought that surely we would have won the fight. (Thinking of all the times that wolves had slaughterede in the wild I thought them to be pretty tough) but there wasnt a single wolf to be found. Not even on of the cubs made it.

I themln collected their pelts and buried them in a box and covered it with dirt and made a little tomb stone for each one. Some remained nameless poor little guys didnt stand a chance.

It wasnt till a few days later while I was wondering the woods I saw that one of the pups had somehow managed to flee! I quickly Named him Nemo as he was my lost son now found. Exitedly we made our way back home and I made hime a safer little box inside my room.

He lay right next to me by my bed and I was happy that not all was lost. There is nothing like finally having some company by a warm fire. It was nice to think that I would have a friend waiting for me when I got home from sailing and farming.

The next night I came home I couldnt find him. Even though I had told him to stay he somehow wondered outside my base and impaled himself on a spike and died.

…now I just sit here in my stone throne. My fires have long since gone out. Days pass and yet I feel nothing.

May Valheim be kinder to you. Build a roof for your furry friends. Cherish the friends that you have while you have them. Dark days may be ahead and you will need the memories to keep you going.

May Odin protect you traveller.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/ycykhm/a_sad_viking_tale/

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