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About Mistland’s mist

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

So im a fairly new player and i got to mistlands and i got stuck thinking that there should be a way to remove the mist or increase the radius of the wisp or something because is love the environment and all. Weird mystical trees, the nice green color of the grass, the huge dark mountains, the ancient swords stuck in the ground and you cant see a lot. Like imagine the sights you could see without the mist. So i was thinking of removing the mist or increasing the wisp's range with like upgrading the wisp but the materials needed for it is hard to come by, or if you kill the boss there the mist is removed or you just get those wisp upgrades from the boss. Theres a problem with removing the mist entirely tho…the sight when you climb up a very tall mountain to look around, the mist covering everything but you can see other tall mountains above the mist. Made this post cuz i was curious if im the only one feeling this way or not and if im not alone maybe one day we will see what the mistlands are trying to hide from us with its thick mist. (I havent killed the final boss yet still need 2 fragments so idk if killing the boss can help a lot with the mist but i havent heard anything like that.)


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