So, a first for me, I ran out of Fuel.
I was running the Rodigo Mines missions, and managed to get blown up in my Python. Not a big deal, except I didn't have a Fuel Scoop and and Managed to get stranded on my way back to my home base at
I don't think I spent a lot of time in the bubble, but I am still new.
After a few quick Youtube Videos on the subject, I reached out to the Rats, and they walked me through the WHOLE process. I play exclusively in Solo, so I was a bit scared of going into Open play and getting shot to hell.
That didn't happen, and the total thing turned out to be more embarrassing then anything else.
I think, once I get more time in on the game and a good solid ship, I will want to volunteer some time.
Besides, that Rat logo looks pretty sick.
Thanks for the Save o7