Addressing Coin Abuse – Stratagems Power Level

Yennefer's Journey

Given the current state of the meta, and the rise of all the 9p threshold Nekker decks, someone would suggest that, e.g. nerfing Aerondight to 10p, could be sufficient for reducing the power level of these identical and neutral based lists. The card has been promoting, and rewarding a certain play style or strategy, which relies on gaining large point swings, early on in the game, with the sheer purpose of staying ahead each turn, thus increasing the sword's carryover value.

Personally, for different lists (e.g. Assimilate, Siege, etc.), it can get difficult to maintain card advantage, let alone win R1 efficiently, on blue coin, without having to laboriously over-commit resources, just to catch up to the intense passive early thinning and point-slam of Nekker decks. There are often situations, where support from Stratagems is inadequate, and further commitment is required, just to reclaim point lead.

I believe that situations like those can be averted, given proper adjustments to Stratagems, to tackle with today's powercreep levels. Should these cards get buffed to a point where they deny opponents from staying ahead naturally on even cards, without them having to over-commit as many resources?


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