AFK’ers are out of control in SSDs.

When i was playing through the storyline, i never bothered to reach max level in my ssd's, only hitting level 6 or whatever was mandatory for finishing that area and moving on. Today I decided I wanted to go back and finish off my SSD's so that I can have more loadout slots for different builds.

And by God, the AFK leeches were out in full force. I did about 8 matches, which took place in plankerton, canny, and twine. And without fail every time I had the same exact ratio of actual players to leeches. I would get one player who was actually shooting and helping, and two players who never moved from where they spawned and were just there to soak up xp and take a slot away from people who would actually contribute. I would call them out in chat, and occasionally would they trash talk or say that they were just there to leech.

Why doesn't epic implement anti-afk measures for SSD assistance? I know it's not a huge data set, but two thirds of the players that joined literally never took one step from where they spawned. It would be nice if the host could boot players, but I understand that could lead to abuse of the system. At the very least players who never killed a single husk in a 20+ minute match shouldn't get the full rewards.

I also know that people are probably looking to join afk builds because of the new battlepass season (and the less than generous xp in BR). But if you are looking for afk builds, why are you filling matches in canny and twine? And why don't you leave when you see it's just an SSD?

I don't know if epic will ever do anything to address this, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth, and reminded my how awful public matches can be in this mode


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