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Aghanim’s Labyrinth: The Continuum Conundrum – Gameplay Update 19.01.22

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer


  • A new set of legacy combat encounters have been added for Act 1 at Magician and higher difficulties
  • Surge ascension modifier move speed increase reduced from 50% to 40%, and the enemies can now be slowed
  • Reduced base armor on many bosses and captains
  • Reduced health and damage sensitivity of Toothy Toothums
  • Reduced health regeneration of enemy Alchemist Chemical Rage
  • Reduced damage of Brain Sap and Fiend's Grip in Demonic Woods
  • Glarf's Bloodlust option has been improved from 2 encounters, 50 bonus attack speed, 12% bonus movement speed to 3 encounters, 60 bonus attack speed, and 15% bonus movement speed
  • Fixed Carrie not leveling up with Ascension in Bug Bait
  • Fixed Bogdugg's Cudgel and Femur not working
  • Fixed cases of patrolling units being exploitable via attacks outside their aggro radius
  • Bosses will now only begin their fights once they've seen the player
  • Fixed being able to drop movement speed items to circumvent movement speed cap for trap rooms
  • Trap Room base movement speed increased from 350 to 360
  • The following items are no longer purchasable from the main shop: Creature Blade Mail Outworld Meteorologist Meteor Hammer Continuum Key
  • Fixed Pudge Encounter map on west side having too a narrow channel for Pudge to get through

Heroes Bane

  • Enfeeble: Cast reduction minor shard increased from 3 to 4%
  • Fiend's Grip: Mana drain minor shard combined with damage per second minor shard


  • Singe: Knockback distance increased from 50 to 72
  • Singe: Knockback duration increased from 0.1 to 0.2
  • Singe: Slow duration increased from 1 to 2


  • Solar Guardian: Cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 100
  • Lightbringer: Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75
  • Lightbringer: Duration increased from 5 to 6
  • Lightbringer: Cooldown decreased from 60 to 45
  • Sun Sentinel: Duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
  • Death of a Star: Fixed some cases where the cast would not start
  • Death of a Star: Now increases base heal by 75


  • Glimpse: Bonus damage minor shard increased from 40 to 50
  • Static Storm: Cooldown reduced from 90/80/70 to 60/55/50
  • Shocking Travel: Increased damage from intelligence from 70% to 100%
  • Pacific Storm: Damage reduction increased from 30 to 50%, and also slows movement speed by 50%.

Drow Ranger

  • Gust: Bonus blind percent minor shard increased from 5 to 7
  • Marksmanship: Active cooldown reduced from 70 to 60
  • Silent Echo: Now also grants Drow 2 agility for every enemy hit and 4 agility for every captain hit for 12s.
  • Fleet-Footed: Now applies a basic dispell on allies.


  • Missile Ride: Area of effect increased from 90 to 120
  • Missile Ride: Now deals 2x damage
  • First Strike: Fixed it having no effect if cast again while already having Flak Cannon active


  • Blade Fury: Duration minor shard decreased from 1.0 to 0.75
  • Detonate Ward: Now increases Healing Ward radius by 150.
  • White-Hot Katana: Ignite duration increased from 5 to 10
  • White-Hot Katana: Ignite damage increased from 25% to 50%


  • Torrent: Damage shard increased from 50 to 75
  • Tidebringer: Damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80
  • Tidebringer: Damage shard increased from 15 to 20
  • Ghostship: Cooldown reduced from 80/70/60 to 60
  • Ghostship: Removed rum absorb minor shard
  • Ghostship: Added 150 damage minor shard
  • Tsunami: Now fires a single wave forward that deals 250% of Tidebringer's damage as magic.


  • Frost Shield: Damage reduction increased from 5/10/15/20 to 7/14/21/28
  • Chain Frost: Cooldown reduced from 100/80/60 to 60/55/50
  • Anti-Magic Shield: Duration is now 50% of Frost Shield's duration


  • Fiery Soul: Removed stack duration minor shard
  • Fiery Soul: Removed mana cost / cooldown minor shard
  • Fiery Soul: Attack and movement speed shards combined into one upgrade
  • Dragon Trail: Now creates a Light Strike Array for every 250 distance rather than a fixed 4 (base power unchanged)
  • Ignition: Now uses Laguna Blade's damage instead of Dragon Slave's


  • Eclipse: Cooldown reduced from 140/130/120 to 90
  • Lunatic Frenzy: Lifesteal increased from 20 to 25%
  • Lunatic Frenzy: Duration multiplier increased from 3 to 4


  • Empower: Removed cooldown/mana cost shard
  • Reverse Polarity: Cooldown reduced from 90 to 75
  • Over-Empower: Now triggers a 50% strength Reverse Polarity at the target when cast instead of granting full bonuses.
  • Shock and Awe: Now stuns instead of slows targets. Damage reduction changed from 75% for 2.5 seconds to 50% for 2.5 + stun duration seconds.
  • Too Many Waves: Internal cooldown decreased from 4 to 3.


  • Arena of Blood: Cooldown reduced from 90 to 75
  • Anyway, Here's Spearwall: Now causes soldiers to attack twice as fast and knock enemies back half the amount
  • Stunning Rebuke: Now grants 2 charges of God's Rebuke. The stun duration is now 50% of the knockback slow duration.


  • Guardian Angel: Cooldown reduced from 160/140/120 to 120
  • Guardian Angel: HP Regen minor shard increased from 8 to 12
  • Heal Life Angel: Purification Trigger chance from 20 to 25%

Queen of Pain

  • Sonic Wave: Cooldown reduced from 125 to 100
  • Fervent Assault: Buff duration increased from 4 to 10. Effect can now stack multiple times.
  • Hall of Pain: Area of effect increased from 80 to 125
  • Discordant Force: Attack damage increased from 10 to 15, and now gives 1% spell amplification per hit instead of attack speed.
  • Haunting Echoes: No longer creates a scream at the start location

Sand King

  • Base armor increased by 1
  • Burrowstrike: Damage upgrade from 60 -> 75
  • Burrowstrike: 0.75 stun duration minor shard has been added
  • Sandstorm: Blind and Slow have been combined into one upgrade
  • Caustic Finale: Explode damage minor shard from 40 to 50
  • Caustic Finale: Damage over time minor shard from 7 to 8
  • Caustic Finale: Slow minor shard has been removed
  • Epicenter: Attack Speed slow minor shard has been removed
  • Epicenter: Cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 100
  • Transport Burrow: Now creates an Epicenter at the arrival destination that pulses once for each second of Burrowstrike Stun duration.
  • Independent Sandstorm: Now also gives Sand King bonus movement speed equal to the slow


  • Pounce: Damage shard increased from 50 to 75
  • Pounce: Distance shard now also increases speed
  • Brackish Bath: Now always also affects Slark when another unit is targeted
  • Gone Fishing: Now also grants 2 charges of Pounce.
  • Lucky Catch: Proc chance increased from 15% to 20%.


  • Mortimer Kisses: Cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 90
  • Lil Friendly Shredder: Now also grants 3 additional attacks


  • Ice Shards: Base duration from 3.0 to 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
  • Ice Shards: Duration minor shard from 0.5 to 0.75
  • Ice Shard Extension: Now also grants 2 charges of Ice Shards
  • Snow Fort: Now also grants Snowball 20% spell lifesteal that is shared with teammates in the snowball
  • Cool Party: Lifesteal increased from 8% to 12%
  • And Another Punch!: Now also refunds 50% of the Walrus Punch mana cost, and can occur if the death occurs during the slow debuff rather than only on a direct kill.


  • Earthshock: Removed Earthshock slow minor shard
  • Ferocity: Now grants allies the current level of Overpower instead of bonus attack speed.
  • Cannonball: Now also increases Earthshock damage by 25%.
  • Ursa Minor: Swipes modifier increased from 25% to 35%


  • Shedding Skin: Aura radius increased from 900 to 1600
  • Shedding Skin: Damage increased by 50%

Void Spirit

  • Resonant Pulse: Absorb Per Unit minor shard increased from 15 to 20
  • Phantom Attack: Critical strike damage increased from 200% to 300%


  • Time Lapse: Cooldown reduced from 70/55/40 to 60/50/40
  • Back To Basics: Now also casts Shukuchi on the ally afterwards.
  • Explosive Reality: Now triggers explosions all along the path rather than only the start and end positions.

Winter Wyvern

  • Ice Cold Killing: Now emanates the current level of Splinter Blast every second with 50% damage

Witch Doctor

  • Death Ward: Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60/55/50
  • Invigorating Charm: Now also grants 8% spell lifesteal
  • Bewitched: No channel Death Ward duration from 50 to 100%
  • Spirit Balm: Removed
  • Strange Boon: Removed


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