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Aisling’s Envisioned Empire vs the Alliance

So, while doing some research for some written and in-game role play, I found that it was difficult (at least via Google searches and Reddit surfing) to get a more contemporary comparison of philosophies, reasons, arguments, pros, cons, etc. between the Empire specifically as envisioned by Aisling Duval (and her supporters) and how the Alliance works in terms of philosophies related to government, civilian life, and galactic impact and operations.

Thus, I come here to beseech any and all lore hounds or passionate supporters who would love to make a contemporary argument for one side or the other. Be as biased or unbiased as you like, but I definitely would prefer detail as a priority. Additionally, when it comes to the Empire, I'm specifically looking for as envisioned by Aisling (because I'm not too keen on slavery), but the Alliance as a whole (not solely Edmund Mahon).

Any information is welcome!

(Also, the /r/EliteLore forums are basically dead as far as I can see, so that's why I'm here)


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