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All Extracts Should Be Open ALWAYS. Change my mind

Im going to get a lot of shit for this but idc. Its something other than rouges are op. Scav karma and cheating.

I am currently in love with the lighthouse extract on shoreline because its open all the time no matter what. And for some fucking reason 90% of this games shit quests are on that map. Its allows me to do my shit and get out if need be

You cannot give me a good reason why I shoulnt be allowed to spawn in and turn around and leave where/whenever I want (excluding run though)

I fully belive some extract are designed to encourage extract camping (outskirts, emmercom, d2, etc)

Realistically what is preventing me from doing so other then this games bullshit “hardcore” mechanics. There is no reason I cant spawn at the scav town on woods kill some scavs and walk over to 16 or RUAF and dip.

“Oh woe is me my quest will be harder”

Yeah that raid where there was about 10-12 players in the match and only like 2-3 low levels dipped early cuz they were doing a basic quest really hampers with your kill quest. You will all say that. But i know damn well if someone died to a scav and you find them you’re going “what an idiot. Who dies to a scav.” And not go “man i could of killed that guy for my quest”. You’re not entitled to get kills every raid you play. Just because you run altyn, slick, and igolnik every raid doesn’t mean you deserve to get kills every raid. You cant complain that some level extracted early so you cant kill them. And guess what that technically makes the game harder to play. And you all love to tote “its a hardcore game” around to people ranting.

“Car extract”

Yeah you need money. They’re in really shitty spots a lot of times and take too long to extract and easily extract campable. Also some are really useless depending on what side you spawn cuz the extract is a hop and a skip away (woods, inerchange,)

“But some extracts are always open”

Zb-13: you need to turn on power and have the key and then run in to one of the most heavy conflict areas of the map and possibly run into pmcs or rashala and his guard.

Hole in wall and manhole: I shouldn’t have to drop most my shit to extract cuz of my RANDOM spawn or cuz d2 is most likely being exfil camped and i Dont have red rebel. And hermetic door is loud and slow and theres nothing preventing someone from hearing it and rushing as fast as they can to kill me. Also reserves is a really shitty example. Its like interchange. Basically no extracts and they’re all shit.

Scav exfils: yeah so I have to wait a whole match to potentially find a scav player to exfil with instead of them just trying to kill me instantly.

TLDR: read the title


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