All my confidence is killed, what’s actually happening this wipe?

I just got off a raid where I went in with an ADAR and 855 rounds. A dude ran into me, I unloaded from 5 meters away. He just refused to die, he ends up killing me after we both reloaded. What’s interesting is he had a blue untar helmet so I can’t imagine he was wearing any special armor. I did 418 damage to him and over 400 absorbed bu armor with 18 hits. I literally hit him with more than half a mag at 5 meters and he lived.

So far this wipe my SR is at 20%. I just can’t seem to be able to win a fight, just automatic get shot in the head as soon as I see someone. No issue with scav, I have yet to die to a scav, but players either absorb a shit load of damage and don’t die and then end up killing me, or it’s an instant headshot and I’m dead.

I’m a 7 wipe player got kappa twice. I know the game, I understand how armor and damage works but man this wipe I am either the unluckiest I have ever been or something is f#cked.


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