alright but how useful are actually helmets? is it even worth anymore?

Edit: came to conclusion: helmets usefulness to spending ratio is terrible, unless ur like a super high level with millions to spend. Although actively search for helmets and use them if you manage to find one.

Spending 60k on a helmet while you could be buying things you actually need. Whats the purpose of a helmet if you dont actually buy like a 200k top tier double armored with slaaps and faceshields. With a basic MICH or tc2002 youre gonna get shot in the face anyway, or just will pen it. Ricocheting? Sure maybe from a pistol scav. Can anyone provide some statistics or actual numbers how useful are helmets? Wont i be better off buying a usec black cap and skimask? Sure you guys have some miracle stories how a helmet ricocheted and saved you, but those are like rare one time events. Or am i wrong? Idk im playing for a couple weeks only let me know what u guys think. I say saving money has more reward than dying once every 100 deaths to something a helmet would save.

Note that im fairly new


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