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Am I Crazy or…?

Manage your Mods easily with Dota Mods

To preface all of this: 5.8k hours (all NA servers, mostly USE), 2k scrub, perfect behavior score.

I’ve been playing against accounts that are pretty clearly playing above a 2k level (things like an enemy pos 3 outfarming the entire lobby by a fair stretch). It’s been happening more frequently to me, and I want to try and rule out observer bias before I start compiling data like Charlie trying to figure out who Pepe Silvia is.

The trend I’m seeing is not fresh accounts with sub 300 matches though. It’s old accounts that stopped playing dota years ago but for some reason decided 2022 was the time to come back and it’s like they never left. The first thing that made me notice it was that I’d get shitstomped by a lvl 50+ account and think “okay, makes sense” until I see they only just calibrated within the last month. Then when I started paying more attention I realized many of these accounts went from buying BP for ti 2 through 6 or 7 to then stopping for YEARS before suddenly deciding this was the BP that they were gonna spend more on than all the others combined.

So, anyone else have horror stories of supposed prodigies that after years of hiatus came back and played like they never left?


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