This my first and only MOBA ever, I first fired up Dota 10/25/2020 and was completely lost. I think I've only played online 2 or 3 times and felt clueless so I decided to play against bots until maybe I knew what I was doing. I'm now at 105.8 hrs and the last two matches I played against Unfair Bots I won! However I still feel like such a noob lol. So much to know and learn, skills to develop etc.
I only recently started playing again a week ago after many months of forgetting all about the game. Months ago when I was playing I won a handful of times against unfair bots as well. In the beginning I tried a handful of different characters; Viper, Razor, Drow Ranger, Phantom Assassin but can't say I got too far with any of them… Then I started playing Lina and that got me going for a while, I kept choosing Lina and working on my last hits but eventually got bored, it would be seem I get disabled really quick and killed fast. So I started looking for something different.
Thats when I found Puck, and I've really put some time into learning this character. I was getting disabled and destroyed pretty fast with puck too but started to work on being more evasive, using Blink dagger and ethereal jaunt to get out of danger faster. My ability to get last hits and denies has really improved. My last game against unfair bots was over in about 30+ minutes and my stats were 4/8/8 and 114/45. is this any good? or should I keep working at improving before going online?
Also whats the etiquette for a how a game goes down with others? When I practice with bots I always go for mid and build out the core items but when is that not appropriate and you let someone else take Mid?
I also notice when I try to practice in the bottom or top lanes that getting last hits and denies with another player is much more difficult. Any thoughts on this?
Should I be learning some other characters? How do i know if someone else should be playing mid or what various roles are there and how exactly do you communicate and strategize with other players?
Am I ready to play online with real people?
Any thoughts on this would be cool.
I don't really care about rank or anything. I just want to have fun
Thanks y'all