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Am i the idiot here?

Mod Skin Dota 2

GAME: 6371256584

Im the Zeus who inted mid (and im completely aware of it, died once, and was a couple of levels under OD). And that's the part of this game i understand.

The part i really don't get is why the hell a KOTL 5 should then start flaming me, and steal the whole jungle for 50 minutes straight, telling me i was the problem there, not him stealing farm to both me and spectre. How can a guy like this reach 3000 mmr? I know it isn't that high, but i expect people here to have a working brain. How can Dota tell me we had similar behavior scores, if i have 10K, and this guy spent the whole game insulting in chat?

And don't tell me "he understood the game was over and decided to do something", cause he went Midas first item and left lane minute 4.


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