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An idea for a new DotA mechanic/objective

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A frequent complaint that pops up about the state of DotA is about the overall game having some stagnation, and not just regarding a lack of map changes. For a while the overall objective order and priority in the game has been somewhat unchanged regarding taking T1 towers, Roshan, T2 towers, T3/rax and eventually ending game. Something I think about frequently is an opinion Synderen expressed on his and SUNSfan's podcast a while ago on the issue with new objectives Valve is adding compared to the older ones in the fact that they feel forced compared to the more fluid existing objectives (towers always up, Roshan with a variable respawn versus outpost XP gain occurring on each minute mark).

I had an idea for a new objective and mechanic in the game that has more of a variable aspect to it and was curious to hear other people's thoughts on it. Without further ado, I present the concept of

Empowered Neutrals

  • Starting at 5:00, and continuing every 5 minute segment of the game after, a random special neutral will spawn in a specific jungle camp (or both camps for the first spawn) and persist until killed by one team. Killing an empowered neutral will bestow a temporary benefit to the killing team's creeps depending on the neutral that was killed.
  • Each team's primary jungle would have a designated spot for this neutral to spawn (my idea is to replace the outposts) and the spawns would alternate each jungle starting at 10 minutes. This would mean if an empowered neutral spawns in Radiant's jungle between 10:01 and 15:00, then the next neutral would spawn in Dire's jungle between 15:01 and 20:00. At 20:01-25:00, the neutral would spawn again in Radiant. This continues until the end of the game.
  • The first spawn would be at exactly 05:00 in both jungles and the team that kills a neutral first will secure the 10-15 spawn in their primary jungle. (I couldn't think of a better way to make the initial spawn more fair and less RNG based so early in the game. This could also promote some invasion shenanigans to try and snipe both spawns.)
  • Killing an Empowered Neutral grants a small gold and XP bounty to the team that scales with tiers and time, similar to Roshan.
  • On every x5-minute mark the difficulty of the neutrals will increase (see table below) up to tier 5. Each tier is harder to kill and bestows stronger benefits to your creepwaves. Their difficulty would follow an exponential curve, with T1 being able to be killed by 2-3 heroes on a team in 10-20 seconds and higher tiers requiring more of a team effort to not prolong the kill. (I have not thought about or fleshed out this part of the mechanic as much because it involves game balancing I do not understand as well.)
  • Tier 5 Empowered Neutrals killed after 60 minutes will spawn a strong version of their ally (see proposed neutrals chart below). This would function with the same intention of Tier 5 neutral items to attempt to force a game ending by pushing waves incredibly well.
  • If an Empowered neutral is not killed before the next one spawns on the same side, both will occupy the same camp.
  • Once killed, the Empowered ability is applied to the next 4 creepwaves spawned following the kill. Multiple abilities can stack if neutrals are killed in succession.

Neutral tiers and spawn times

Empowered Neutral TierIn Game spawn times
Tier 105:00; 10:01-15:00
Tier 215:01-20:00; 20:01-25:00
Tier 325:01-30:00; 30:01-35:00
Tier 435:01-40:00; 40:01-45:00
Tier 545:01-50:00; 50:01-55:00

I also made up a list of creeps I think could be candidates for the empowered neutrals. Each one is based on a camp spawn with the small, medium, and large camp spawns inspiring tier 1-4 progressively and ancients inspiring tier 5. The flavor is that each Empowered Neutral is some type of leader or commander for each available camp. I put what I thought would be interesting benefits to creeps for each tier but didn't heavily compare the numbers to check how balanced certain things are within each tier or compared to other tiers, and was focused more on the flavor of each tier.

Proposed Empowered Neutrals available to spawn

Neutral TierNeutral NameBenefit to creep waves when killed
Tier 1Kobold CommanderCreepwaves have an aura that increases the gold bounty of nearby enemy creeps by 5.
Tier 1Kobold KingCreepwaves have an aura that increases nearby ally movespeed by 15%.
Tier 1Venomous VhoulCreeps apply small poison DoT on hit dealing 5 damage per second. (does not stack)
Tier 1Wayward SpiritCreeps apply frost attack on hit reducing attack speed by 10 and move speed by 10%.
Tier 2Hill Troll ShamanA Hill Troll Priest spawns with creepwaves with heal amplification aura and heal ability.
Tier 2Harpy SquallcallerA Harpy Stormcrafter spawns with creepwaves and casts chain lightning 35 second cooldown, deals 50 damage, bounces 4 times with 10% damage reduction per bounce.
Tier 2Satyr FlayerA Satyr Banisher spawns with creepwaves and provides a minor weakness aura (nearby enemies suffer 10% attack damage decrease, also effects nearby heroes/summons)
Tier 2Shale GolemA Shard Golem spawns with creepwaves and casts hurl boulder on first visible enemy creep
Tier 3 creepwaves spawned will alternate one of two benefits received based on the neutral killed.The first wave spawned following the kill would have only the aura listed below, and the second creepwave would have only the ability listed (and not the aura). Creepwaves 3 and 4 would repeat this pattern.
Tier 3Omega WolfNext 4 spawning waves alternate packleader aura and each melee creep having intimidate ability (causes 30% damage reduction for 2 seconds)
Tier 3Ogre EnforcerNext 4 spawning waves alternate spawning with 1 minute duration ice armor and first attacked melee creep casting ogre smash (deals 75 damage)
Tier 3Wildwing SquallNext 4 spawning waves alternate toughness aura and first attacked melee creep casting tornado centered on enemy creepwave (deals 20 damage per second)
Tier 3Hellbear DemolisherNext 4 spawning waves alternate having Death Throe: Power (does not stack per death, but refreshes duration) and first attacked melee creep casting Thunder clap (deals 100 damage)
Tier 4 neutrals spawning with the creepwave would have lower standardized stats than the model summonedMy idea is that all would have around 750 hp, 5 armor, 25% magic resist, and deal 55-65 damage per hit
Tier 4Warpine MarauderWarpine raider spawns with creepwave and casts seed shot on 25 second cooldown doing 110 damage and hitting each creep in a wave once
Tier 4Centaur KhanCentaur conqueror spawns with creepwave and casts war stomp on 20 second cooldown dealing 100 damage
Tier 4Troll DeathmancerDark Troll Summoner spawns with creepwave and casts Raise dead when first melee creep is attacked on 20 second cooldown. Skeletons have rally aura.
Tier 4Satyr SouleaterSatyr Tormenter spawns with creepwave and casts shockwave on 25 second cooldown dealing 120 damage
Tier 5Legendary Black WyrmAncient black Drake spawns with creepwave, has splash attack and lesser fireball ability on 30 second cooldown (same properties as Black Dragon Fireball but only deals 40 dps). Neutral kills past 60 minutes spawn Ancient Black Dragon with normal fireball ability.
Tier 5Legendary Quartz GolemAncient Rock Golem spawns with creepwave, has granite aura and granite boulder ability (Throws boulders at all visible enemies in range, 150 magical damage 2 second stun, 30 second cooldown). Neutral kills past 60 minutes spawn Ancient Granite Golem, granite boulder ability deals 300 damage.
Tier 5Legendary BlasthideAncient Rumblehide spawns with creepwave, has frenzy aura (30 attack speed bonus) and slam ability (125 damage, same AS/MS slow as Thunderhide ability). Neutral kills past 60 minutes spawn Ancient Thunderhide with normal slam ability on 15 second cooldown.
Tier 5Legendary Tundra YetiAncient Frostbitten golem spawns with creepwave, has ice armor aura (+8 armor) and Icefire nova ability (pulse ability like Lich Frost shield, pulses 40 damage per second placed on first melee creep to take damage). Neutral kills past 60 minutes spawn Ancient Ice Shaman, Icefire nova does 80 dps)

What are people's thoughts on this concept? The idea would be that each tier progressively helps push in your creepwaves as time goes on, enabling winning teams controlling areas to have an easier time pushing highground and losing teams that are able to sneak in a neutral kill a way to relieve some lane pressure. Because the spawns are variable in a 5 minute period and would be in a known location it would encourage teams to ward around each other in an area and play close to contest the spawn, which would be more important as the game goes on. The kill can be sniped just like Roshan and give the benefit to the sniping team, another way for losing teams to try and stage a comeback.


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