Just curious…visited Sol and another system…Lave? I can go back and get the name if necessary…but in the one I'm thinking is in Lave I saw some sort of unregistered comms beacon (probably got the name wrong) near the locked planet and when I dropped into it…nothing transmits…at all…
So I was wondering if anyone with Triple Elite had checked out these and see if maybe they now transmit. AFK tonight but I can update this post tomorrow if necessary. I'm mostly wondering if anyone just happened to casually drop into this systems before and after achieving Triple Elite and noticed anything changed. Maybe not get a notification besides the congrats but still realized something changed that wasn't like that before. Like maybe that beacon in Lave(?) now all of the sudden is doing something…
I'm presently trying hard to get my last Elite in combat and getting worn down (60% Master…I think) but if anyone already did this I'm all ears.