apparently BSG fixed the Unity Engine delta time bug (stuttery movement/animations)

Idk if I imagine things but the weapon movement animations (eg when moving mouse or when shooting) seems alot smoother.

Before it had this choppy feeling (like if the weapon animations had lower framerate) in alot of scenarios.

This was probably due to the well known Delta Time Bug in the unity engine. Unity devs provided a fix along time ago so apparently BSG now fixed it too.

But maybe Im imagining things.


the delta time issue caused Unity games to have stuttery movement in quite some scenarios.

Eg it would look like this:–maRuyYEZZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWEtT5uBSRWt4vQZAgTJucoTqqXjS3CfNDSuuf31e0tVGPaWGxiRs2iHF1HDQIXdQBehsJP1jD73N9m5CSjMxfaqEcAfnVBrEqrgp1UxUHGkY/image-asset.gif?format=500w

instead of:–maRuyYEZZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWEtT5uBSRWt4vQZAgTJucoTqqXjS3CfNDSuuf31e0tVGPaWGxiRs2iHF1HDQIXdQBehsJP1jD73N9m5CSjMxfaqEcAfnVBrEqrgp1UxUHGkY/image-asset.gif?format=500w

Here is an in detail article about this issue in general:

In Tarkov you noticed this especially with the weapon idle sway animations when moving around or when using scopes.

I wasnt able to test this further but it feels alot smoother right now.


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