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Are we the bad guys?

Walheim - five bosses

Ok so I've searched this and found it discussed a bit before but those posts are like two years old.

I can't help but have developed this in the back of my mind as I read the in game texts and what the bosses said to me on occasion.

So first it's Eikthyr. He seems to represent untamed nature that doesn't want to be civilized. Understandable from it's standpoint.

Second is The Elder that used to be friendly and help humans but "now scorns the axe". The texts as far as I foudn them are never super detailed and always try to make them look bad but, the boss is a tree and humans are known for rampant deforestation. The graydwarves and similar are said to be cruel people (muderers and such) and that "makes them evil" but again I remember another text saying that at this point they are basically just mindless drones doing the tree's will, which is to protect the forests. A thing said about him is that "Odin banished him here for his pride but his roots are deep."

Bonemass is what? A lot of draugr combined? They are said to once have been a noble race that (out of their pride) went to war with the gods, got crushed and now refuse to die. (At least that's what we're told.)

The dragon is, I don't know, I didn't stumble upon much on her one way or another.

Last (so far because I've only reached the plains biome a this point) it's the Fulings. Which are said to once have had a prosperous civilization with cities rivaling those of men. What happened?

You can guess it Odin punished them for their pride by crushing their entire civilization and trumpling their armies.

"Now the Fuling rule over the plains of Valheim, savage and wild with only hatred and fear in their hearts."

Look maybe I'm reading to much into this but I was dealing with trauma a few years back. You know what I felt? Hatred and hear. So much uncontrollable hatred and fear and they feed on each other.

I managed to figure out what was going on (because my therapists didn't) and get help for it. Now I immagine that a prosperous race being utterly decimated and reduced to a savage state would leave it with a lot of unresolved generational trauma.

Again the texts paint them as evil but that is what we're told by those who make us fight their battle.

Then there were texts of people saying they have no past and no parents. They awoke in this world and all they know is that they're doing the will of Odin as given to them by the raven.

One of them said she cries when she gets thoughts of breast feeding a baby but she can't remember more.

Kidna sounds like Odin utterly destroys everyone who doesn't bow to his desires, proclaimes thim guilty of the sin of "pride" and uses memory wiped warriors as his unquestioning tools.

It might be far fetched but as I said it's hard for me to shake off the idea.

And who knows: Maybe the last boss could be Odin and we kill him with the help of the powers of the forsaken. (muahahahaha)


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