Hey guys I actually felt compelled to make this post to give some perspective on how much I feel this game has improved since last time I played it. I was mid Ancient back in 2018 and quit because solo ranked was a nightmare and no longer enjoyable
But now, even my unraked games are highly enjoyable :
People playing quality 4 and 5 with a variety of heroes
Ample use of wards and utility items
No more ''jungle'' picks
People actually trying until the very end with tight games and hard fought comebacks
Amazing coordination even without chat/voice
I don't know if it's because the player base has aged since then or that most people who didn't want to put in the effort have moved on to other games but this is the most I've enjoyed Dota2 since it came out
Props to Valve for continuously improving the game
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/vp6zgo/as_a_returning_player_from_2018_this_game_has/