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Ashlands Prediction: Hot Dogs

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Was doing some thinking after reading IG's latest blog post with all the wicked Ashland's concept art. I noticed they plan on making it a 'volcanic' region which sounds awesome. In each biome, we've received something new we can grow like the Magecaps and Jotun Puffs recently in the Mistlands.

I think the next vegetable we will be able to grow will be tomatoes. Considering they are red which fits the Ashland theme and acidic, as far as vegetables go, I think they would be a great inclusion to the biome.

With tomatoes, I think we will get the chance to make hot dogs! We already have bread and sausages, I think the tomato would be used in the recipe as the 'ketchup' so to speak. Hot dogs would also work with the Ashland theme because 'hot' is in the name

What do you guys think?

I feel like the real debate here is going to be whether tomatoes are a veggie or a fruit.


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