At lower MMRs, is picking an offlaner who doesn’t build blink a terrible idea?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Trying to pick a few offlaners to learn. There's a few i'm interested in but im trying to decide if I should even consider heroes like Razor, Viper, Abaddon because they don't blink + catch. From the games i've played at low MMR, it seems games are very often decided by someone getting caught out of position or just who randomly wins a teamfight late game. It also seems like for both of those things, it often comes down to which team is able to get a blink + catch first. Axe, Tidehunter, Centaur etc seem to just win the game with their blink.

I guess maybe this really breaks down into the question of how should the game be working at the end when your offlaner doesn't have this combo. I played ranked all pick so i'm always the first core to pick as offlane, so I can't draft around my mid. If I pick one of those first few heroes without catch, how do we start teamfights later on? It seems like the team just wants to wait for the offlaner to blink + frontline and doesn't know what to do if that's not an option.


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