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AX Combat: Where are my combat bonds?

So I thought I'd hop into one of the new capital ship AXCZs with a few friends today, with most of us having little experience in AX combat. It went surprisingly well, even with the Thargoid rarely ever staying in range of the capital ship (it took the shields off a couple of times and scratched its health somewhat). We all almost got our asses handed to us, and agreed it was fun.

Do you know what isn't fun? Almost getting your ass handed to you and not getting paid for the trouble. We popped that interceptor. We all pitched in equally, rotating between being the bait, wailing on the interceptor, and sniping the hearts. Only one of us got the bond from it. Why?

Also what's going on with the Xeno Scanner? Why was it designed to be entirely useless in an AXCZ? Assuming I can even keep the Thargoid firmly in front of me, it's almost never within 500m what with it darting about. There's no window to scan it before it becomes hostile.


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