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Beating matchmaking

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I've started to do something that may just be me going crazy but seems to help grind MMR.

I only queue mid and grind up. After playing literally 10+ games a day a pattern started to emerge.

4-5 ez wins, then suddenly my supports become horrifically bad at the game. The biggest problems are they don't know where to be on the map and they position and play like cores. Ie: they will distribute themselves as far as possible away from other cores and then use spells on creeps hoping to tp to fights as necessary.

So I came up with a plan. When I notice my supports getting worse; I will queue mid and then offer them mid. These people want to afk farm essentially so I'll give them a role where that is remotely acceptable… And take the supp role and support the shit out of the game with an Enigma or some other high impact support hero.

It.. works.

They afk farm flawlessly!

When I take over their lanes I notice some of the lanes are actually difficult to play but with enough pulling, blocking, aggro tricks and mechanics they are winnable but the lane would've lost for sure if it had some afk farming support there instead of me.


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