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Beginners: Is it just me or is Drow noticeably easier to play?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hi. A new player here. I started playing about 2 months ago (every once or twice a week), then I really started engaing in this game about 2 weeks ago or so.

So I'm extremely new (never played MOBA/AOS in my life before) and obviously I suck at this game rn. But whenever I play drow, I notice I can actually function pretty well.

I usually have to feel bad for my teammates cuz I can't contribute to the team that well. But when I play drow, I actually always do pretty well. To the point where I even manage to carry games where my teammates constantly keeps feeding (not criticizing them).

I understand the control-level of this hero is only 1-diamond. But I tried a whole bunch of other 1-diamond heros and they are no where near being as easy as Drow. Like Zeus and Juggernaut are also pretty easy as well but def not as much as drow.

It's suspiciously easy to control I feel like Valve made it beginner friendly on purpose lol. Any other beginners like me think the same?


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