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bosses in tarkov

ok so i thought this needed to be talked about as to my knowledge its not widely talked about by the devs but I know most players feel some kinda way about how bosses work in tarkov, I am a avid tarkov player(700hrs clocked since i started playing 3-4 months ago at the end of last wipe currently lvl 42 this wipe), and the one thing that rubs me up the wrong way is most encounters with bosses now we all know the AI is kinda janky most of the time in tarkov and i do feel its what makes them how hard they are to fight without doing some absolute cheese tactic so with how the game progresses with the changes bsg are making with the AI it will get better over time I have no doubt on that but i feel more specific changes need to be made here.

i feel like the best example of this would be the rouge goon squad, most of the time you die without even seeing them at all because they hit so hard and are so accurate regardless of distance to them, I don't think the average player encounters them and are exited or even think they have a chance, even if they com with team mates correctly and play well to win, these issues extend to most bosses and the usec rogues on lighthouse to me even more so since they have grenade launchers.

a boss shouldn't be harder by effect of having god like aim much better than even the best pmc players out there, put together with some of the best ammo in the game, that in my opinion isn't harder or challenging that's more on the line of impossible.

what brought this on for me was i played a shoreline raid yesterday and ran in to sanitar in the cottages i was on the quest where i wanted to avoid killing him for the better rewards from therapist so i tried to run from him, while running they all beamed me and my teammate with 7.62 bp rounds super accurate even when nearly at the resort, which is over 100 meters as many would imagine it was quite frustrating.

my self personally there is a AI in this game that isn't a scav that i love running in to, that's raiders on reserve and labs they are more challenging to fight and quite fun to do so, you don't feel cheated out of a chance to fight back when engaging with them, they are not stupid accurate and most of the time don't have the best ammos in the game they are fun because unlike a scav they move more tactically and move according to your actions where as a scav has 2 main things they do when engaging a player which is run away or charge head on.

I personally feel like bosses need to be adjusted so they fit that challenging but fun area, where you can fight them in more ways than just go out to 300 meters where they cant see you and shoot them a few suggestions i have to do this are as follows.

  1. they shouldn't be able to see you at crazy distances like 150 meters plus maybe id give Shturman a pass on that since he does carry a sniper rifle i think with a scope ( i don't have much experience with Shturman as I'm not a woods enjoyer)
  2. 1 of the following must be nerfed either there accuracy or the bullets they fire i lean more on the side of nerfing the accuracy over the bullets as this is a source of high pen ammo found in raid outside of crafting for 13 hrs to the hit to the accuracy fits better as with bosses like reshala on customs he has 4 guards who are also accurate as hell hence why you die so fast that's 5 guys all beaming you at the same time never missing a shot.

I'm not saying they totally suck every time reshala at dorms is 10/10 super fun but new gas is a pain to fight him in as its totally open and there is not many places to hide from the beaming.

id like to know what you all think as I'm sure everyone has there frustrations with at least 1 of the AIs I have mentioned here ( I'm looking at my bear players on lighthouse and my interchange enjoyers who get slapped by killa lurking in the darkness of the stores every time).


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