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Bsg, I do not post this as form of a joke. Seriously fix this issue

I recently saw a post where a guy was ventilating about Tarkov issues and why Tarkov is falling. I believe that the guy was totally right and after I started playing this wipe I think I could share my thoughts too. My personal opinion on bsg is that they are NOT listening to the community, Tarkov would be a lot more popular game with more players and generally better community. But for some reason this isn't happening. Maybe Nikita doesn't understand english :D.

The second thing is that they are releasing updates that are completely nonsense. For example removing 7.62 BP from traders and making it craft only. Now yes, they represented is as slowing down the chads and making it harder for them to obtain the ammo. From this perspective it makes sense but if you played tarkov long enough you understand that people are capable of picking out they're vacation days just to grind this game. And making the ammo harder to obtain wont matter as much to the sweats and making it way harder for someone that plays the game 8-9 hours a week and is just trying to have a good time. And now when the timmies hit prapor lvl 3 and do the grenadier task, are still gonna shoot the 7.62 PS while the chads will be living even better. I believe that they are trying to make tarkov better place for new players, when in reality they are making it worse.

Another thing I would like to point out is optimalization. I know this is a joke at this point and bsg is a really small studio but what the actual f*ck. All we are getting the past few years is the words : We are working on it. And then you get a brand new map, brand new map, brand new textures, brand new recoil systems, movement changes etc… and the only happy people are labs sweats, Pestily, Lvndmark. The holy f*cking trio. Now theres a big hype. New wipe best time to start playing the game, best time to upgrade for better experience with unholy prices (Like seriously asking 100 bucks to upgrade from a 40 dollar version is insane and its pay to win).

So after all it all comes down to the same issue, bsg not listening. And the only way to make the game better. Is to listen to the players.


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