BSGs goal is to make money, not a great game.

There's been a lot of frustration on this sub recently regarding issues with EFT, and BSGs (seeming) inability to fix these issues.

I think a lot of BSGs decisions make a lot more sense when you consider that they want to minimize development costs while maximizing sales. This is why updates are slowing down (smaller teams are most cost-effective), and why the updates we do get are focused largely on flashy content (trailers, maps, weapons). Prospective players seeing a sick trailer for Streets may purchase the game, while prospective players seeing that BSG updated the anticheat integration probably won't get as excited.

  • Adding band aid fixes to issues (when they are available) is cheap, which is why we see so many band aids (that may blow up later).
  • Using streamers as a pseudo PR team is cheap, which is why so much information is given to streamers instead of released directly to the playerbase.
  • Staffing and enabling customer support is expensive and does not drive sales, which is why it's more or less non-existent.
  • Creating flashy new content (maps, high caliber weapons) drives sales, which is why it still happens.
  • Enhancing the engine to improve netcode/anticheat/QOL is expensive and doesn't drive sales, which is why these things rarely get much better.
  • Trailers and short films (Raid) drive sales, which is why these are consistently high-quality.

I'm not sure why this isn't the consensus. Am I missing something? Did everyone already come to the same conclusion and I've just missed it?


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