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Came back after a long break and met priestess…

Yennefer's Journey

Oooh boy… Took a 9 months break cause meta wasn't quite my favorite and climb from Rank 2 to 1 burned me out big time. This season reset me to Rank 14 and I decided it would be my goal to get to Rank 12 and stay there to play whatever dumb deck I wanted, which I did and met a lot of people with all kinds of decks. Today I wanted to have a quick match with Assimilate (pure assimilate, not midrange) and met that… Thing. Good Lord it's abnoxious as all hell. It's not even about winning, I was playing a deck with lots of rng and barely any control, but really? A 4p for 20+ points? I never read anything about that deck prior, so I didn't even expect it but ugh… Just ruined any desire to play the game today. So, does anyone have a good mill deck? I wanna obliterate that deck to shit at least once in my lifetime now. Thanks!

P.S. is there really any other type of control that can deal with this deck except for mill? Incinerating traps? Yrden (if your whole field doesn't end up empty)? Seemed pretty uninteractive to me. Ok, rant over, thanks again!


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