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Can i get some help

This game can be so FRUSTRATING. I can’t make it out of a raid, and when i finally do, and actually build up some gear, i get one shot from random directions, never even noticed anything.

I don’t know what to do anymore. The highs are so high when you get a good headshot, or make it out with gear.

But i find that a majority of my time is anxiety ridden, and frustrated beyond belief.

I get the game isn’t supposed to be easy, but when i just die, with no warning, by two shots of M61 to the chest, the part that frustrates me isn’t that i was killed, it’s that i have no way to improve. More often than not i’m killed without warning or an idea of the direction, no kill cam means i will never know what choice i made that was wrong to put me there, what angle they held. Nothing. i’m just dead and there is nothing but a screen telling me i suck.


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