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Can someone explain why…

the witcher and ciri gwent

Playing against friends is essentially discouraged. There should be rewards for friendly matches, no? Open up some of the challenges, dailies, keys, at least GG rewards? And why if there are no rewards can't there be more customisation of the game mode, turn timers, multifaction decks, free deckbuilder with all cards, round limits, blue coin choice and the biggest for me, game mode options to practice seasonal modes or even draft together?
Why do I feel like I'm being punished for hanging out with my friends online???

This must've come up a million times on here but I'd really love to know what the community thinks and if the Devs have ever addressed this issue before?

I really wanna get my friends into Gwent but I introduce them and then have a choice of: demolish them with one of my decks (not a good way for a new player to learn) or play starter deck matches (that don't reflect the current game well) and wait a year until they can get better cards and learn mechanics without the help of a friend.

Am I missing something?


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