Can something be done about the hack that forces high win rate games and allows you to not get matched with teammates who have lost most of their recent games?

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How the hell is this still possible, to this day? It takes 5 seconds to Google and find this hack, by the way. It's super widespread, and it's so obvious when games are played when this hack was used.

u/JeffHill I might as well tag you directly, as you seem to be the only person actively looking into things.

How, and why, has nothing been done to resolve the usage of such tools? There are tens of thousands of players who actively play every single day using this hack. This is just one of the 50+ cheat features, others included are MapHack, Illusion detection, Skin Changer, etc.

Before the mods delete this thread, like they do with all similar topics, think about how serious of an actual issue this is. So many people are unaware that there's an abuser in almost every single one of their games.

I hope a post like this can at least enlighten a few people and help them see how easy it is to completely abuse everything related to Dota, because so far, Valve has done absolutely nothing to stop it.


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