Can Tiny please get an actual nerf?

DOTA 2 Guides

We've seen from the ESL One Malaysia tournament that Tiny is still the go to pick. This guy is first phase picked or banned in almost every game still. I mean just look at his strengths:

  • Tiny bursts as hard as picks like Lion or Earthshaker, but his burst isn't ult reliant so it's on a much shorter cooldown
  • He has targeted, reliable long range displacement
  • He doesn't need to build any tank items to gain 3k HP and 30+ armor
  • He doesn't need to build any damage items to do 300+ damage per hit
  • He does more damage to towers in 2 hits than most heroes do in 10
  • He's strong as both support and core (mostly mid)

The patch made core position 1 less viable due to the attack speed nerf, but he can still be played 2, 4, or 5 reliably and look good even while losing.

Maybe let him still have his offensive strengths, but lower his tankiness a bit? If you check the end of OG vs Fanatic game 1, support tiny with just a phase boots, wand, force staff and blink dagger has more armor than and near equal health to a Dragon Knight with treads, bkb, soul ring, bracer, blink, mjolnir.

Edit I just want some more hero variance. Tiny's cool and all, but I'm tired of seeing him every game.


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