The new symbiosis cards are nice but they make self-clogging even more problematic than before

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

I decided to try the new ST cards for a change, and while they are good in a vacuum, it becomes pretty much unavoidable to self-clog, except in very short rounds.

This was already kind of a problem for this archetype, but now it's an issue you run into way too often.

Frog mating season puts no less than 5 tokens in play in a single turn, and while it plays for a decent amount of points, it too often end up biting you in the butt when you don't have space to play your remaining cards.

Same goes for the naiads, after being infused by Aucwenn, that's 2 bodies in one turn in a row that might already be crowded.

I think this archetype desperately needs ways to manage your board space. For instance, pondkeeper could destroy a treant instead of resetting it. It probably makes no sense lore-wise for dryads to destroy treants though, but otherwise I think this is something that will always be holding back this archetype.

Worst part is that even if you don't care about about playing competitive, this is detrimental to the player's experience, because who would play cards that literally prevent you from playing your entire hand ?


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