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Can’t Get That W

It's like the game just can't let me have that win. I'm level 27, first wipe, but I'm getting the hang of things. I'm currently on Punisher Part 5, and I'm struggling to get kills. I struggled on Part 4 too. Part 4 was hard because of just trying to find people. Managed to find my groove with the M1A, even got all shoreline SBH kills with just 3 shots in a matter of 10 minutes. I'm trying to work on other quests while I grind Part 5, but I'm about to give up and just go factory for the rest of the kills.

So last night, I'm stalking around Customs and I finally hear someone I think I can get the jump on, because if I don't, I wont get the kill. I sneak up and have to dump a full mag of 7.62×39 PS rounds into the guy to take him down. Not too surprised, since I know PS sucks and it turns out he was wearing a slick. So I grab his half busted slick and his mutant and make my way towards exfil. Kill a couple of scavs on the way, then as I'm crossing the last road at full-tilt sprint, I get domed by a scav with an SKS on his first shot. He wasn't there when I looked before crossing, so he must of just came around a corner as I started running and stole a win right from under me. It's like the game knows when I'm about to feel good and it shuts me down. Even if I do get kills, I rarely get out afterwards. And it's not because I get greedy or I'm impatient to loot my kills. I knew as soon as I killed the guy with the slick that I wasn't getting out of there alive. I knew some bullshit would hit me. I don't have gear fear, and I have way too much money and gear. I don't need that shit, I just want to get out of the raid after I kill someone. I just want that W.


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