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Casual player getting fed up with ranked games

witcher gwent cards

Ok, just to give you an idea of the sort of player I am, I really enjoyed the version of Gwent in W3, and with the next gen update giving you the free roach card if you played the online gwent I was like ok sure why not? I kinda got into it not gonna claim to be a hardcore player or anything, but it was really fun for about a week maybe 2 weeks and then I just hit a wall. I reached a level where everyone had spammy metadecks and there was just no competing with that.

I get people like to win but the higher levels just railroad you into a certain strategy if you even want to come close to winning any rounds and it's fucking samey and boring and I'm getting so fucking annoyed with it. I dunno if it's just where I managed to rank this season so far or like an update – that's how little I care in the sense of being competitive – I don't even read the patch notes or anything – but these fucking cultist and bomber decks are just annoying af. It feels so broken and y'know what – whatever fine you go be the best gwent player ever with your spammy metadeck – I just want to fucking collect cards and fill out my reward book and it's so fucking hard to do that without winning ranked matches.

Which sucks because I like gwent as a concept but ranked matches are just fucking boring and futile. I want to collect weird cards and make funny themed and meme decks and it seems pointless to try when most of your progress can only be made doing ranked matches (that or coughing up money for premium).

I'm thinking of buying Throne Breaker next time it's on sale, like I don't mind buying single player games at all, but I'm not buying any battle pass bullshit. But besides getting Throne Breaker I'm getting really fed up with the game. And it just pisses me off because I was initially having a ton of fun with it.

Anyway I just needed to cry and moan about that, thanks for listening to my rant.


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