Hey guys, I know allot of you won't like this post, but I think that a problem that was created (although, minor at the time) around a year ago, and is still present today.
We don't feel this problem that much today because of the Golden Nekker that is being played by like 80% of players, but it was a very annoying problem before the Nekker and it will be back at full force once the Golden Nekker is nerfed.
Most factions, if not all, have a few cards that are way stronger than their counter parts, and by not running them you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage.
Now don't get me wrong, there are successful decks that don't run those cards, but these are cards that I feel like are way too good for their cost and they allot of time dictate how you run the deck (since you can't pass up on a card this strong, you
Skellige – Fucusya
Syndicate – King of Beggars – Firesworn works fine without it, but all other decks that deal with coins are forced to run this card.
Nilfgaard – Artaud Terranova, and to a some degree, Blightmaker + Mage Assassin (The nerfs they had received were a good step in the right direction, but this combo is still too strong, unless you are playing a highly specialized deck like mill, you will always run this combo as it is more tempo + thinning than any other 6p cards)
NR – Amphibious Assassult – it was nerfed last patch, but we can't know if it fixed the problem as the Nekker meta doesn't allot AA to be played anyways.
Scoi'atal – This faction is a different beast, as they don't have any cards that you run in every single deck, but I think that still Saskia needs a small nerf.
Also, Dwarf as a whole probably need a buff, but the specific card Brouver got a nerf it deserved, so props for CDPR for looking at it.
Monsters – I feel like Monsters currently don't have any broken or unfair cards (besides the combo of Kelly + Carapace), that is probably why the faction felt so weak in the past half a year or so
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/uqq2ae/cdpr_can_you_please_start_nerfing_the_apex_cards/