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coming back to the game

Hi all,

I had to take a long break from the game and I now would like to come back. I have Odyssey. I did not try the update 14 at all, but I've seen there is quite a change in the galaxy now. I have extremely little experience in anti xeno combat, with mostly an Anaconda fit with AX turrets to kill scouts from time to time. I don't have a good ship to fight interceptors yet but I have a chieftain and a krait that I suppose I could outfit for that. However I've seen you're not forced to fight thargoids if you don't want to, to join the war effort.

What should I do first if I want to participate in update 14 stuff? I don't have anything to resist caustic damage yet. Are there new ship modules required that were released in update 14? If it's the case, is it another grind, or is it easy to obtain?

tldr: where should I start if I come back to the game and want to try my luck with update 14 content?

Thank you all, have a nice weekend


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