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Could the Allgod Event be Incentivising Meta Decks?

Yennefer's Journey

It took me forever to get to Pro Rank this season. Nothing seemed to be working, everyone seemed to be running the same meta decks. On other seasons, even when cards are this broken, I don't recall there ever being such a prevalence of meta decks on ladder: sure, most of them generally are, but this time it felt particularly more prevalent. And then I looked at a certain horned fat fellow in the main menu and it got me thinking: is this because of the Allgod event? The event requires a total of 30 wins to complete: 30 matches alone is a lot, but 30 wins is something that generally would take multiple days, and many people like to complete challenges as quickly as possible (even if the event is somewhat restricted in that regard this time around).

This can just as easily just be all in my head, though. I just find it strange that, no matter what, in other seasons I always found a few meme or cheesy decks here and there, while this time around, after like 70+ game, I can say with confidence that I found little more than like 5 or 6. I even queued against the same SK raid list three times in a row, followed by NG enslave twice. Out of all these 70+ games, around 50 (give or take) were SK raid, NG enslave, and ST harmony. Which isn't common, even when certain decks are objectively better than others.

Is this speculation dumb or may I be on to something? Any opinions on the matter?


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