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Counter opinions of the state of tarkov

So this isn't supposed to be a bait edgy opinion piece, this is just my genuine thoughts from someone who loves the game but is also critical of it. I understand that I will disagree with a lot of people and I'd like to have a real discussion with people so we can discuss and ask for solutions instead of just complain.

It seems like a lot of what I hear from people lately is:

Recoil: Disagree, its not completely fucked.
Audio: Agree, this is a nightmare.

Hackers: Disagree? Maybe I just don't run into them because I don't rush PVP.

BSG PR: Disagree, while they may be quiet for a long time, this game is still in Beta.

Skills are over tuned: IMO The skill floor should be raised and the skills ceiling should be lowered. Small buff to stamina at max, sure. Being able to sprint 3x as far and 4x as long, busted.

Recoil – I hear a lot of complaints about camera recoil and guns being uncontrollable. However I find the recoil to be very close to what it should be. Camera recoil I agree is a little excessive, however if a recoil rework would come through, I wouldn't want all guns to become more controllable, I would rather just have my PMC head not look at the ceiling with an SA 58. Fully automatic guns should be hard to control. The effective range in full auto shouldn't be much further than 25m. I wonder if people ever even try using semi automatic as its really the only fire mode I use unless I am going indoors and need to clear corners. Beginning of the wipe 545 AKs were a monster in my hands because while people sprayed mags at me I kept it on semi and tap tap tap tap tap.

Audio – This is where I agree the game is really lacking. Vertical audio, detection range with skills, Sounds being muddy and hard to tell distance all are issues and I don't exactly know how to fix it besides it needs a rework and I'm sure there is a lot of time consuming painful coding that needs to be done and all I can say is whenever this can be addressed please do before the full release.

Hackers – I can count on probably one hand the amount of times I've been killed by a blatant hacker in my 4+ wipes of playing this game. Maybe I've been head eyes'd and just wrote it off as they saw me and I never saw them. Maybe it just because I don't play the 'chad' playstyle and rush the high traffic zones. Either way I just don't run into blatant hackers often and am not sure why everyone complains about them so much.

Skills – As I said before I really think need to be changed. I understand that there should be a reward for having grinded and elite skill, but the fact that people grind out skills Nikkita has said himself he doesn't like and clearly shows that its such an advantage its kind of ridiculous. There shouldn't be places on the map that you can only get to with elite strength. You shouldn't be able to sprint 4x as long from lv 1 stamina to elite. I would much rather a system along the lines of strength gives you better stamina management as you wear heavier and heavier gear. If you want to be the full Killa helmet samurai armor tank than hell ya grind the skills so you're no so weighed down. Stamina would be cool to have better recovery or maybe even something to do with metabolism where stopping for water breaks gives you short boosts for some big sprints you need to take. I think there's many better options to switch skills being such a big factor in late game fights. Love to hear your thoughts as well.

Lastly BSG PR – I think many people forget this game is still really a beta testing game. Today I read someone saying they went back to CS and loved the recoil and were upset about Tarkovs. Tarkov isn't meant to be CS, Tarkov will never be CS, and BSG don't want Tarkov to be CS. I think there is a big gap in the community that many could call the split between 'Chads' and 'Rats' and are represented by the two playstyles. This might be very rude, but honestly I think 'Chads' are ruining the game. Tarkov isn't meant to be action filled and W key sprinting into fights. They have stated its meant to be "As realistic as playable" I find people who just want action and the 'Chad' playstyle honestly misguided and just didn't fully understand the game they were buying. The things I find the most fun and enjoy the most about Tarkov is not that its hard or that there's such an adrenaline rush taking on such crazy firefights. Its the world of Tarkov, its void shenanigans, its the world so well flushed out and the maps being so detailed. Its the challenge of chaos and going in with a plan with the boys, running into scav boss and dropping the plan now just trying to figure out how to take on the boss and live. I see tarkov as the more accessible Arma. I want it to be open world like Arma. I want that if you need to make it to reserve maybe you need to take a train out of streets just to get there. I see the fun of games like Rust being a great example. It seems people think open world would make the game a ghost town but look at games like Rust where you have points of interest that brings people together. I'm excited for Tarkov to be made in BSGs vision and all the communities anger about how difficult and challenging it is. I just hope the community can be happy about that instead of trying to make it just another COD.

This is just my opinion, I'm happy to discuss it civilly with anyone who has a different opinion. Honestly I welcome it, I could be very wrong but make an argument and explain what you think about the game. I may be a fanboy, but I don't think it has blinded me to being critical of the game.


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