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Did the 5800x3D upgrade, it’s worth it.

I was disappointed with the 32GB upgrade performance on Lighthouse, it was an improvement but not as much as I would have hoped. The 5800x3D though, 100+ FPS constantly, never dipped below 100, up to 135 for a fair bit of it. Shoreline was pretty much constantly on the limit, 140 – 144.

Haven't tried any of the kombo strike profiles yet to see if there's any more to be squeezed out but Lighthouse is now as smooth as butter, no more stutters at all, nothing.

Edit: GPU RX6950XT, RAM 32GB DDR4 3600 (@3600).

Edit 2: Previous CPU & RAM stats:

3700x, 16GB (3000), lighthouse was anywhere from 45 – 70 FPS, no pattern, just randomly up and down. Shoreline was 70 – 85 FPS.

3700x, 32GB (3600), lighthouse 60 to 85 FPS but still a bit stuttery occasionally. Shoreline 80 – 100 FPS.

Edit 3: 1440p resolution, in game settings:


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