Does anyone play this game casually on us east?

I always fall behind in wipe but its starting to feel like im fighting exclusively streamers and no lifers. Im dogshit at pvp but I am honestly stunned at the skill the players I fight have. The past 6 raids have ended in a one tap point fire and mostly by some late wipe bullet, ps12b, M61 and the worst so far, 338 fmj. This is my 3rd wipe and I have never seen a wipe where it feels like people are in the late game stage this fast.

Its not just the gear too, I'm getting pointfire headshot from 50m away by a guy who just swung a corner, I will never be that good. Im ok with not being that good, but I havent found a single player in the last week who was near my skill level. IDK if its the server location but I cant compete at all with these people, every fight makes me feel like I just got added into some streamer compilation and I have never experienced any kind of long drawn out fight where there was something to learn. I cant even figure out how I'm playing wrong. Ive tried low kit, juice, playing passive, playing aggressive, I learned pointfiring, right lean peaks, and know the maps. I'm playing solo, so I expect to lose most team fights but even other solo players have been shitting on me. It would be different if I felt like I was getting better but I'm not living long enough to even learn. 3rd wipe and I have never been closer to just quitting for good, I can handle a few deaths but its not fun losing every single fight in half a second. It seems like the game has hit its carrying capacity for sweatlords and if you dont have 40 hours a week to put into it you just get farmed.

Wondering if I just have really bad luck the past 20 so raids or if anyone else is feeling like this.


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