Don’t play Mutagenerator.

witcher gwent cards

After Renfri nerf people tried out different old decks and just this evening i have beaten a Siege Mutagenerator deck. It reminds me of how much people overrate this card and i feel the need to discuss the uselessness of this card.

One, consistency. If you don't draw Mutagenerator R1 the card bricks. Trying to set up Mutagenerator R2 or R3 basically lose you the game. Why should you invest 6 provision into a card which can brick that fcking easily? "But i play Avallac Sage to tutor it" Another terrible card. 10 provision for a tutor specificallly for 2 cards in your deck? How about you use that provision to add an actual win condition instead?

Two, tempo. What better way to forfeit the round than to play a card with 0 tempo. It's not even low tempo, it's 0 point. Think of it like manually discard a card and handicap youself. Like seriously if you play Mutagenerator and don't lose on even that very round, chances are your opponent was playing while blindfolded.

Three, deckbuilding. Heck yeah, time to build my deck around a fcking 6 prov card which can barely generate 12 points. Basically playing Mutagenerator forces people to add a fck ton of terrible 5prov cards to the deck. Like, wow, that Battering Ram is so strong it dies to all removal in the game. And you also need to play them to proc Mutagenerator, further reinforcing the idea of voluntarily losing on even.

Four, payoff. The payoff for playing it is that you get 1 boost to 5 random 5prov cards in your deck. Let's assume that those aren't random and you stack the boosts perfectly, and also assume that you perfect draw and played 4 5prov cards. How many of those cards are you gonna play? At 3, the total value of Mutagenerator is 12 for 6, that's 2 points above average, nice. At 4 and 5 you get more points and at the same time fcks your deck's polarization and consistency.

Five, consistency. Bringing back this topic, from another angle. You need to have fcking good draw to trigger Mutagenerator's. Just like how you have to draw Mutagen R1, you have to draw 5prov cards R1. You need to draw more than 3 to at least get good value. But if you go over 5 you don't have enough units in deck to receive the boost, and also your opponent wins R1 even harder because you waste 5 turns playing garbage engines; how do you even draw 5+ 5 prov engines in the first place? God of luck?


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