Drakes are glass cannons. Cultists? Kill ’em quickly! Ulv + ooze bomb = dead ulv

fictional character

Hello, all!

I've been going into the mountains to try to find frost caves. Found two so far and looted them, good stuff! But, drakes are ANNOYING. First of all, I brought four of my wolves with me for backup in the frost caves. One drake wasted all four wolves like three steps into the mountain biome. Boo. But, I noticed that if you sneak, drakes are a one-hit kill with fire arrows. Even without sneaking, they die hideously to fire.

Cultists hit a ton, but if you can get the drop on them, stab 'em with your atgeir. Three hits, they're toast. Ooze bombs waste ulv like wolves waste greylings.

Still haven't found a stone golem, but I carry my pickaxe with me into the frost caves, just in case!

Almost have my 60 hair to make a fenris set. Three more iron from oozers to make an iron pick and start going after silver. 🙂

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/ypvxk1/drakes_are_glass_cannons_cultists_kill_em_quickly/

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