I'm not talking about the audio issues with positioning and sometimes just not working when someone is beside you, that too is a problem but it is brought up quite frequently here.
One thing that bugs about EFT is the volume of actions itself. Walking feels like I'm weighing 200kg, it is extremely loud and gives me anxiety for just walking. Eating any sort of food or using any meds can be heard a mile away. Checking the gun chamber alerts the whole map where you are at.
Opening duffle bags… my character makes sure to flip that bad boy upside down and throw it on the floor before searching it, it is quite amazing.
Anyway, TLDR: EVERY action in EFT is extremely loud, and for a game that thrives for realism without sacrificing gameplay, these types of things should be "easy" to fix and not be detrimental for gameplay.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/she3yz/eft_could_use_some_audio_tunning/