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EFT has a massive TTK issue in the mid to late wipe stage

Title says it all. I think the majority of players would agree with me on this, but I'd like to know what y'all think. The time to kill (TTK) is way too low, especially in a game that has some glaring flaws with audio inconsistency and desync.

The main problem I see with TTK is access to high damage/high pen ammo. 855/856A1, M62/M80 can be purchased very cheaply from PK at lvl 2 and 3, rendering armor nearly useless. PS12B, .300 lapua rounds even existing in the game makes getting 1 tapped through lvl 6 armor basically a guarantee. Access needs to be extremely limited to these kinds of rounds. Just banning from the flea market isn't enough.

Another big problem with TTK is head shots being a 1 tap. I don't know of one person who doesn't find that mechanic to be extremely frustrating. Helmets are basically just cosmetic items. All they do is give you a 15% chance (at best) of getting a deflection and surviving. That's insane. The most memorable fights I've had in this game are where I'm fighting against my opponent and we're trading shots back and forth, messing each other up, until finally someone lands more than just 1 shot to the face and wins. There's nothing fun or memorable about being instantly dropped. Only frustration.

For those who say that detracts from the "Realism" of the game, this point of a game isn't supposed to be "REAL". This game models realism as long as that realism is fun. What's real about dying and coming back to life each raid. What's real about tying a tourniquet around a heavy bleed and stopping it instantly with no lasting damage. What's real about being able to run flat out, wearing 50+ kgs of gear. What's real about being able to peak a corner and shooting someone before you've rendered for the other person's eyeballs. There's so much that's not real about this game. Can we take some of the more real things and dial them back a bit in the name of fun?


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