Engineering material gathering

Hi, I currently have an A grade cobra mk3 and an A grade Vulture with 0 engineering and about 65 million credits.

I have unlocked Elvira Martuuk and the Dweller, I just need the last steps to unlock The Blaster and Farseer.

Problem is, even if I unlocked them all, I have absolutely no Idea what I need to get the materials needed for the actual upgrades. Yes there are tutorials on where to go, but what do i need in terms of equipment? Do I have to install any specific stuff on my ships for material gathering purposes?

Edit: man this seems all so daunting and tedious as a new player, i was hoping I could avoid "gathering stuff grind", which is why i do not do any mining at all, most of my money comes from trading and combat.

I guess it adds more stuff to do to the game, but you can travel faster than light, transfer your ship from 500 lys away but you cannot buy some rocks and have to pick them yourself.

I was just hoping for another way especially since I cannot really play too much due to work and studying but oh well, guess I'll just have to fly on stock ships for the forseeable future


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